A headshot of Sara Clark-Williams

Our Founder + CEO

Hey Fab Fempreneur! Here’s a little bit about my story…

How it started

I started annual goal-setting at the age of 16 and at 19 years old I was color-coding my weekly planner for tracking my appointments and college classes, study blocks, to-dos, and progress toward my goals. I loved crossing things off my list and the feeling of physically highlighting my planner. These habits gave me a sense of agency in the direction of my life from a young age!

Around that same time I grew more curious about why we are the way we are and how to be successful, which led me to focus on Psychology in my academic career. After obtaining my B.A. in Psychology, I got a full-time job teaching a life skills and success program to women in recovery. Here’s the thing…I was deathly afraid of public speaking! And this job involved facilitating 3-hour workshops for groups of between 8-30 women, multiple times per week. I was 23 years old and newly married. It was a growth launching decision for sure! I took the leap!

Two years later, I earned my Master’s in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I quickly landed a job in the high tech industry focused on process improvement and organizational development. I learned a lot about business processes and systems and how to make both small and big changes in a business.

Sara leading a small group of women in a conference room
Sara on stage talking to an entire room of women

Showing up 8AM-5PM was the bare minimum

And I wasn’t passionate about the products the company developed. It was sucking the joy out of me and I knew I was meant for more!

In 2008, I took the leap again and started a life coaching business for women. I LOVED entrepreneurship and grew my business to be profitable from the first year.

Four years later, my clients and community were asking for strategic business guidance and how they could grow their business without it feeling complicated. That’s when Fab Fempreneurs℠ was born (November 2012)!

I am passionate about guiding women entrepreneurs to find and stay in what I call their business sweet spot. Seeing you get better results with less stress, make more money, save time and energy, and enjoy your life more…THIS is why I do this work.

Some facts about me:

  • I speak better conversational Spanish when I’ve had a glass of wine or a dram of whiskey (or in my dreams, literally!).
  • I had faith from a young age and can remember knowing God loved me at 3 years old. This helped me walk through the world with more love and confidence, and a heart for helping people fulfill their potential.
  • I’ve been a mom to two dogs who changed my life: my boxers, Penny and Stella, currently running around in heaven.
  • Hiking in nature is where I feel alive. Reaching the peak with a view after a challenging climb (well, moderate!!) is my fave.
  • Most of my report cards in elementary school said I talk too much in class. Go figure.
  • My go-to outfit is a v-neck tee with some good butt jeans and flip flops- even in the winter. (Yep, I grew up in North San Diego, CA and that’s how I roll!)
Sara smiling

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